Monday, May 21, 2007

Reaching 10% / Rude People and other Assorted bullshit.

Good morning peoples and what a glorious day it is! Reached 10% today and feel awesome! Actually that's crap I feel like a redundant old bum at the moment and cant seem to shake it! I hope when I start study that it all magically disappears, I am not normally a depressed or down in the mouth person so I think I need to slap myself up the back of the head and move on!

I decided to make myself happier and do some HarryTime. I thought Hmmmmmm maybe some HarryTime will make me feel better? So I have re-read Books one and Two in the Harry Potter series and re - watched for the zillionth time Movie one and Two. I have Three for today and found myself smiling as I watched the first two yesterday. I was UpTown in Metropolis on Friday and decided to go into Target Country to ask if they will have Book 7 when it is released on 21st July. You would think after almost a year here in Metropolis I would be used to the rude behaviour.........nope it still sometimes gives me a little shock as I simply don't understand it???? I approached the counter where there were NO OTHER CUSTOMERS and started The Metropolis Wait. That's where one stands there and is ignored for around....5 minutes? Yes yes dear friends I have tried the throat clearing/loud voice EXCUSE ME PLEASE and every other clever ploy that NonRude people use to attract attention of RudePeople. Anyway I ask Blondie - "Hi will you be selling the 7th Harry Potter Book?" I got a vague hand wave in the general "at the back of her" kind of motion so I used my eyes to scan the back of the wall and finally saw an obscure small poster stating that there will be two kinds of Harry - Adult and Child's. Anyway I said "Thanks for your time" and was about to leave when she mumbled something about reserving a copy. "Why thank you that would be great if I could do that". Anyway bottom line is I was only vaguely, very vaguely sarcastic and took the whole episode as a good PICK-ME-UP as you HAVE to laugh when people are so awful. HOWEVER my copy of Harry Potter 7 is reserved!!!!Felt much better and also shouted myself my first pair of jeans in a whole lotta years. Size 14 and 20 bucks KACHING thanks very much I will have those! I actually picked up the 16 and my friend ( one of the two I have in Metropolis and I treasure them both) anyway my friend said " Sweetie why the 16?" I said "Well so I can get my fat arse into them duh". She just looked at me and said "Erm Trace - you are defiantly NOT a 16". I actually blushed which allowed her at LEAST 10 minutes of unmerciful teasing. Also another thing I should use to cheer myself up I think!

Anyway darlings - I miss you all! Janet - I wanted to ask - what do they do with the bits they cut off????? Jen - I am using your advice about "relaxing" a little on weigh day and it is an AWESOME idea as you don't feel so......... restricted? I don't go overboard though. Annie - my darling special girl...went on MSN Saturday ........ sob! You were not there! MissB - I read your Blog and it makes me happy! Kiwi - yours to! If I forgot anyone I didn't mean to but my brain just shutdown and I think I need a coffee big time! My other friend ( of the two I have here) is coming for coffee this morning so that will be fantastic! Have to go and hang out the washing / make the coffee and book my first Unit for school!

Love you all


Trace xxxxx

Monday, May 14, 2007

Core - GLORIOUS Core!

Hello and good morning on this wonderful Monday. Weigh in this morning and happy to report a 0.4 loss. Takes me down to 77.1. DAMN THAT 200 GRAMS!!!! Only 200 more grams till I am 76. something and 0.6 grams till I reach 10 %. BMI is looking a whole lot better to! I have to say again that Core is fabulous. I love pasta and stuff like that and I am more than happy to have it every day so this program is definitely working for me! I am also being incredibly lazy at the moment and I have to force myself to go for a walk as I actually feel like shit at the moment. I got another period which is good of course but ohhhhh baby is it a doozy! Today I feel like someone has strapped a bag of potato's to my hips and tummy and I am dragging it around. The good thing is I received a pair of Peter Alexander PJ'S from Daughter No 2 for Mummys Day and I LOVE them! I am EXTREMELY happy to report they are HEAPS to big for me but absolutely PERFECT - Period / Rainy day PJ's. I am sure that anyone who gets a corker of a TTOM will understand that a good and big comfy pair of PJ'S is the ONLY thing one wants to wear on rainy/periody days. I even had sox on and had my Laura Ashley ( also a gift from Daughter No2) rug over my legs yesterday as I watched trashy movies and grizzled alot. I jumped online on Saturday night with a sad and expectant little face hoping to see one of the girls but alas......... no-one....sigh....maybe next Saturday night?

MinerMan is working today but just called me up and said " Hey Babe - how bout I take you out to half price special lunch at the workers club on Wednesday? You can put on some nice clothes and a face and we can have a nice lunch"............ soul of a poet that one - knows how to treat the ladies huh?. Of course with such a romantic person asking one on a date - how can one refuse?Still nothing on the job front and I have to tell ya guys - I am starting to doubt myself a smidge. Maybe I am a useless redundant old bum????????

Anyway I am now going to get into my other pair of comfy PJ pants and have some lunch and sit around and grizzle to the walls all afternoon.

Miss you all

Ciao and lurve

Trace xxxxx

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Did ya miss me???? Huh did ya? Huh? Huh? I missed all of you and I am still not totally back on line as this GODDAMN computer is so slow you can bloody well go and do the weekly shop in the time it takes to open a page. I have just spent the last 1.5 hours trying to email Calamity to let her know I wasn't dead so I hope you get it VinoBud! Dont think for one second you got rid of me THAT easy!!!!! * MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA*
My best friends daughter is now here with me and MinerMan for 5 weeks and I have noticed having another person here. I also cannot chuck her off the computer because I simply want to get to my Blog as she has to do study things and testy things which is important. So here I am at 10.11 in the morning and have been here trying to make this stupid computer work.
Now - Core - I am a bit adrift at the moment and that may have been because Kez was here and we drank LARGE amounts of Vino and ate things we probably shouldn't - although I have to say the the Tuna Dip in the new Turnaround Cookbook is nothing short of spectacular and we enjoyed that with one of the numerous bottles of Vino we drank. Tried to go for a walk every day and also tried very hard to keep kinda sorta within Core as she has decided to stop Tony Ferguson and try Core for awhile. I have found I REALLY REALLY need an MSN chat with you guys to get me back from this feeling adrift feeling that I am feeling - hmmmmmmm did that make sense???? I am typing like some kind of manic to try and let you all know I am still here - still on Core - still trying to get to my goals and not dead or lost in cyberspace. All of this needs to be done before this GODDAMN MACHINE crashes again and takes me back to banging my head on the table.
Nothin but lurve girls NOTHIN but lurve
Trace xxx

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday night!!!

Hi Ho and Hola girls! Nothing of great importance has happened since Thursday except I have now finished my two weeks with the Govt job. They don't need me anymore but that's cool. I have applied to Uni and I am just waiting to see if my choices get approved so I can start studying. On Friday night we went to a BBQ with one of the two friends I have made in Metropolis ( how sad and pathetic is THAT????) Anyway we got stuck into the Vino and ohhhhhhh boy did I have a good time. I also went back to bed this morning as I was feeling decidedly........ordinary? Felt much better after a NanaNap. I thought about VinoBud as I was partaking and thinking how AWESOME it would be to have a vino with her. We walked around there as I said to Minerman - " Well hon I am just becoming mates with Lynn and I would really like to also have a drink/ glass of vino with her."( She is also a fan of The Boys so hey how could I resist???) Anyway it takes me 12 minutes with the sneakers on to make the trip.......well let me tell you - 20 minutes after starting out I reckon a three year old would probably NOT have grizzled about the distance as much as he did. I just kept saying - "We walk or YOU drive for a change". I always tend to be the designated driver but I really wanted to share a vino with Lynn....and I did!!!!!! (Albeit the feeling rather dodgy this morning but it was worth idea how many points I consumed but will suck that one up and move on) Speaking of The Boys - Kiwi! Have you seen the "Clean Skin" bottles of the Dolcetto that you can buy? They don't have a label and they are only $8.99 compared to a normal bottle @ *17!!!!! Yep I can go without a label for that kind of saving! Have a look at your local bottle shop matey!
Also have to share - I am wearing a GORGEOUS Brazzy - as Miss B calls them - today. Gorgeous, gorgeous brazzy which is all pink with black satin ribbon and I feel gorgeous and sexy and MinerMan says it looked ......erm well * blush* wellllll a romp was the result of what he THOUGHT of the gorgeous brazzy!!!! I got it on Ebay about 10 months ago and could NOT get The Pups into it. Its a $65 brazzy which I got brand new with tags for $18!!!!! BARGAIN!!! Anyway bits hung out everywhere and it was a seriously not good look. I got it out today as I am onto the third hook on all my other brazzys and I thought "Oh well maybe it will fit now?" AND IT DID. Missed the first hooks completely went straight to the second row and I feel very pink and satiny in it.
I am talking on MSN to Jen - Hey Jen * waves* and the Girl - VinoBud has just popped her beautiful little face in as well!
Tonight I came in here to chat to the MinerMan and as I was talking to him I noticed something out of the corner of my eye - fall from the roof - I then HEARD THE GODDAMN PLOP NOISE - YES - HEARD- THE - PLOP noise as it hit the tiled floor. Now people...... I have a theory that ANYTHING that is loud enough to make a PLOP as it hits a floor is bigger than anything I actually want to deal with. It was a bloody huntsman and those bastard things jump at you and bite so I just said NONONONONO YOU GET IT - ITS YOUR JOB TO GET RID OF ANYTHING THAT MAKES A NOISE!!!!! I was out of there quick smart i can tell you and my hero sighhhhhhhhhh * mwah* killed that pesky creature and I was happy.
Ok guys - I am talking to both Jen and Calamity and my concentration is zero so I will leave this till tomorrow and update again then when I have a sneak peek at the scales. That's something I had forgotten about - since being on Core I don't even THINK about getting on the scales so I have gone from a self confessed weighing freak to not even thinking about them at all from one week to the other????? Weird huh??
Love as usual

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Week 3 - FBBC

Well Good morning and hello to all you gorgeous Gals. Its Anzac Day and I have watched a bit of the March and thought I had better hop to and finish the application for TAFE and also to update this Blog! I cant even begin to say how chuffed I was with a 400 gram loss. I am trying to think and put a positive spin on everything I do lately from the weight loss to work. I am refusing to get down or upset and so 400 grams made me very happy as it is a DOWNWARD trend and not staying the same! This morning I got up, donned the sneakers and walked for an hour Uptown and then The Fed walk. I was bloody near collapse when I got back here but felt better for doing it! I also then made a batch of my special Pasta and I will have that for lunch and also lunch tomorrow. Good Job Trace! Good Job! I was also pleased I can see that I can indulge in a bottle of the Boys Dolcetta ( Oh Kiwi - isn't it just DEVINE - One of the few wines where you feel all mellow and relaxy when you drink it....sighhhhhhhh)Anyway - I totally lost my train of thought then - see what The Boys do to me?????????? GoldfieldsGal!!!!! Get cracking on that Blog matey! I love reading everyone's Blogs! Next week I wont be working so I will be able to get to them all and have a shooftie and leave a few messages! Don't know about this working thing - stops me from doing what I want to do!!!!!
Well I must go and finish all this stuff - also see if I can talk MinerBoy into a bit of an afternoon romp - yes indeed I think that may be in order!
Love to all as per usual

Monday, April 23, 2007

End of Week 2 of The FBBC

A real quick post hunnies to let you know I lost again this week I love Core!!!! *singing* Core glorious Coooorrreeeeeee eat drink and be merry...Core Glorious Cooooooore! Ok Ok not so much on the drink but you get the idea. AND I actually used up all my points including the bonus ones which I don't really like to do but i MADE VERY BAD CHOICES. ( Yes Annie - Bloody cheese) Anyway I also indulged last Saturday afternoon in half a bottle of wine with a friend. ( Glorious way to spend a Saturday I tell you) And I indulged AGAIN in The Boys Dolcetta with MinerBoy one night as well! So all in all I cant be unhappy with a 400GRAM loss. Yep 400 grams but happy happy Trace ! To finally see the weight tracker - albeit slowly - GOING DOWN is something I was thinking I would not see again! Only 800 grams till I have lost 10% of my body weight!!!! I am going to put in a HUGE effort with extra walks and really being careful and try and do it for next week. Oh hang I cant - have a BBQ on Friday night and I will be having wine. Oh well week after!
Will do a huge post on Anzac Day and find out how you all are!!!!!!
Lurve lurve lurve

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

FFBC - Week 2 - Day 3

Hey there gorgeous girls!!!! Here we are in Week 2 - Day 3 and still going strong!!! I have been thinking about Janet - Oh hang on *throws anything she can reach at Janet for mentioning the 25 BLOODY PERIOD BLOODY FREE YEARS!!!!!!!* Ok feel better now and keep in mind I actually thought i was bleeding to DEATH the other morning - now where was i? Oh yes - Janet - hon maybe you should join in the FFBC with Calam and I? I know Clam would be fine with that and then you are ACCOUNTABLE to both of us? What do you think? I could have left you a post on your Blog but you never write in it!!!!! Maybe your body is having a bit of a fit like mine did? All of a sudden it will start to work again I am CERTAIN! Calam - you are cool with Janet joining the Challenge? Of course you are - to much like me - glass of The Boys and you say yes to anything. Ohhhhhhh and Calamhoneyvinobuddy???? I notice you said in your post that we have " more than 2 weeks work on FBBC" Gotcha in writing my friend so we are still going strong!

Cass - Lovey you do what works for you and you can absolutely count on all the support you need from me. If you decide to do Core than Calam or I would be more than willing to help you out and explain anything that doesn't make sense. There were a couple of things I didn't get for sure.

Jen thanks as usual for your support! Don't know how I would get through without the little posts from you and the girls. And Miss B - honey honey honey. I INSIST you stop beating yourself for a mini breakout! It happens and it is called life and you have to suck it up and simply get back on track! I reckon you should be pleased you had such an awesome weekend and I can tell you when Kez - my oldest pal - arrives in May I certainly wont be counting ANYTHING as I sip on a Browns Bros or 55 and snack on some Camembert and Pate. Absolute certainty.

Still doing the Data entry and still find it repetive but at least I am making some dollars and doing something. I still have no idea if they will offer me anything else when it is over but fingers crossed. Ok - I cannot begin to tell you guys how much I miss you. I loved getting on here in the afternoon and ending up having a fab MSN chat with Miss B and Vinobud. I would be refreshed and ready to keep going with this weight loss journey. Oh and got up at 6.00 and did the FastWalk and felt much better for doing it! Be veeerrryyyy interested to see what and if I have a loss this week!

As usual Love Love Lurve

